Neck Hammock Review - Does it end with chronic neck pain?

What Is The Neck Hammock?

The Neck Hammock is a cervical traction device designed for anyone experiencing mobility problems, neck pain, and tension. It has brought immediate relief to millions of users experiencing neck pain, as shown in the reviews section of its official website. At first, you may think that the product is complicated, but nothing could be far from the truth. It is simple and easy to use; as long as you have a spot to attach it to a wall, anyone can easily use it in the comfort of their home.

Neck Hammock's idea is to help the user relax as it eases the tension that causes neck pain within a specified time. Most of Hammock's reviews and Facebook users share the view that the product is easy to use, and the best part about it takes only a few minutes to set up.

What Causes Neck Pain?

Almost everyone has experienced neck pain, so it's important to understand some of the causes of neck pain. Some of them include:

  • Worn joints

  • Muscle strains

  • Compressed nerve

  • Certain diseases

  • Whiplash

While the other four causes can occur at anyone any time, Whiplash commonly occurs after a car accident; the head moves forward and then quickly snaps back, similarly to when someone knocks your muscles from behind. When you visit a physical therapist, they are likely to recommend a prescription or physical therapy, depending on your pain level. Such sessions can be expensive, and not everyone can afford them, so Neck Hammock is a great alternative.

Tips for Using the Neck Hammock

  • At the first feeling of pain: You should really use the Neck Hammock as soon as you notice any pain. The longer that you wait to use it, the less relief you might get.

  • Use a floor mat: Most people get relief when using this traction device in a laying position on the floor. You may find that the hardness of the floor affects your back though, which is why we recommend using a floor mat. Even something as simple as a yoga mat will provide some extra support and reduce the rough feeling of the floor.

  • Choose the right spot: Before using the Neck Hammock for the first time, you must make sure that you choose the right spot. Though the manufacturer recommends using it with a doorknob, not all doors and knobs are created equally. You may find that your door is too weak and that the device actually damages the door. If you have concerns about using it with your door, you can use the included accessories to connect it to a heavy piece of furniture or another large object around your home.

  • Stick to the 10-minute time frame: Though you might feel tempted to use the hammock for more than 10 minutes, you should stick to the time frame listed by the manufacturer. If you spend too much time in traction, you can do some serious damage to your head, neck, and back.

Benefits of the Neck Hammock vs. Traditional Doctor Visits

The biggest benefit that the Neck Hammock has over the traditional doctor and physical therapy appointments that you make is the sheer cost. Even if you have health insurance, you might pay $20 or more out of pocket for your PT appointments. If you use this hammock even twice, it will pay for itself. You can also skip the long wait times at the doctor too. Most offices require that you sign in when you get there and wait until the receptionist calls your name. You might spend an hour or more at the office, which you can’t afford to waste. The Neck Hammock lets you get the same level of relief at home in only 10 minutes.

You’ll also find that it has the added benefit of giving you a more convenient way to treat your pain. If you suffer from a chronic condition such as sciatica or tension headaches, you know exactly what it means when those symptoms first hit. Instead of calling a medical office and trying to get an appointment sometime in the next week or month, you can grab this hammock and treat yourself at home. It gives you an affordable and convenient way to deal with all your pain.

Should You Purchase It?

Whether or whether you purchase the Neck Hammock will depend on the severity of your neck discomfort and your desired outcome. Several reasons why we believe this basic gadget is worth the money include its ease of use and immediate effects. Other neck traction devices may need several sessions before providing relief. The Neck Hammock gently pulls on your neck and utilizes gravity to bring your body closer to the ground, providing an even deeper stretch.

Due to the inclusion of an eye mask and a travel bag, you are not limited to using it at home. That eye cushion may help you unwind in a bright hotel room with non-closing drapes or your bedroom while family members watch television in another room. The accompanying travel pouch makes it simple to transport the gadget. This bag protects it against hazards such as large objects falling over your luggage and dust clinging to the straps. As long as your hotel room has a closed door, you may use the Neck Hammock.

Consider the disadvantages of the Neck Hammock as well. One of the most significant issues we discovered is that it is not always dependable. A few customers reported that the gadget slid off their doors or that the straps snapped, striking them in the head or face. As long as you use care, verify the strength, and choose the appropriate door, you should have no issues. Another problem is that the Neck Hammock can only be used in one position. It is ineffective if you want to sit up and watch Netflix or if you are standing.


Without a doubt, few cervical traction devices are as simple to use and as effective as the Neck Hammock. Additionally, it does not take up a lot of your time; you just need ten minutes a day. The majority of goods are fragile and have inflated designs. These are readily punctured when they come into contact with anything sharp. Unlike the Neck Hammock, which is small and portable, the remaining components need permanent installation in the house.

The Neck Hammock is widely popular since it aids in the treatment of a variety of ailments. To name a few stiff neck muscles, tension headaches, and even recurrent migraines. Numerous customers appreciate the Neck Hammock’s ability to provide instant respite from everyday stresses. The Neck Hammock is a neck traction device. You can use it anywhere in the house as long as a firm surface is available.


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